Did the virgin birth really happen and does it matter?

In true agnostic language – I don’t know, and to me it doesn’t matter.
What matters to me is matter.
Tradition, cycle and rhthyms and a sense of belonging

I love Christmas, I love the memories it conjures up, I love the traditions, I love the carols, mince pies, family gatherings, giving and receiving presents and I love the season. I love the romance of it, the feelings it provokes the coziness, the tree, candles and log fires, the snow, the wait, the excitement, the games and the joy. The magic!!

Every year we have the same rituals, the same cycle and also invent new family rituals, building memories and traditions that remind us and re-member us as a human, a family and community.

I am also aware that for many, Christmas is an awful time. It recalls and re-members difficult memories and painful situations, family arguments and separations and they hate the whole season and festivities. So in a different way, Christmas matters, it earth’s difficult feelings and memories.

How ever we perceive Christmas, believing in the virgin birth doesn’t matter!

Or does it?