Gentile Church

Well (in response to the question I posed at the end of my last post) I reckon we have plenty of Jewish traditions (adapted):
1) The worship leader (High Priest).
2) We come into the House of the Lord.
3) We come into God’s presence.
4) We come into the Holy Place.
5) Worship narrowed down to singing instead of it being our whole lives.
6) Ecstasy – no, not that ecstacy!
7) Lots of singing.
So I’m ready for a remodel! 🙂

Now, what is a sensible attitude to existing tradition?

I think that if we are going to learn something from the OT it is more
likely to be in the realms of justice and community incorporating economics,
social care, empowerment, etc.

One thought on “Gentile Church

  1. Anonymous said…

    I love the ot prophets but I wonder it there is a link have we become disconected from the justice etc because we lost the sense of rhythm of the seasons and festivals. Would we recover some of this by simply eating more in tune with seasons, which could remind us of the old dicpline of a rule of life, a connectedness to creation and in turn our fellow man
    11:04 AM

    Mark Porthouse said…

    Yes I think that what you say, anonymous, reflects the nature of our modern lifestyles which seem to have less sympathy for the planet (amongst other things). A less energy intensive way of feeding ourselves would probably be a step in the right direction.
    9:17 AM

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