The Garden grows

So far the potatoes look good, carrots (purple and orange), beetroot, parsnips, lettuce, spring onions, spinach and cucumber are all popping out the ground. We are hardening off the corguettes, squashes, peppers and tomatoes, and have wild strawberries scattered around. Now the issue is to try not and let the slugs near or lose the veggies. My issue is that i have been quite disciplined this year with weeding so far but the idea of slug hunting by torchlight or keeping weeding is not my idea of a good night out. As a weak completer/finisher in personality type I see this now as an area for personal growth as well as veggie growth, but even typing about it fills me with horror. i fear the challenge is beyond me, can we overcome my nature with a little nurture?

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One thought on “The Garden grows

  1. Here’s my top tip. Try nematodes: parasites that kill slugs. £9.99 gets you a couple of billion friends to help the slug hunt! a week after you water them in to the veg patch the slugs start feeding and soon after they start dying. The great thing is they die underground and without death trails. One application of neamtodes keeps the ground slug free for 6 weeks.

    They’ve worked well for me in previous years (except last summer which was slug heaven from the weather!)


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