Mission Spirituality

I am preparing for a MA lecture on Flow Spirituality and wondered if this makes any sense to anyone else but me?

In How not to speak of God Pete Rollins explores some of the mystic tradition and for me mission and the Christian mystic tradition have always been closely aligned so here I want to explore some of the implications for mission/us when we embrace a mission spirituality shaped by this and how that that fuels the kind of mission I am engaged with through Church on the edge

Meister Eckhart God rid me of God – the God we know cant be God because God is always more, so what does it mean to engage in mission with the unknown God, where is always more?
If we reduce theology to a formula we see God as transcendent- beyond and then God as imminent – close, almost as if the only way to get our heads around it is a formula that says god is sometimes transcendent and withdrawn and sometimes imminent and close, but what kind of God is this – the mystic tradition teaches that God is imminent because she is transcendent, God is in all, and so close we cant see – God is hyper-real
The unspeakable is very thing we must not stop speaking of – desire is not born in the absence of God but in the presence of God, so we speak of God not to tell others so much as to discover the hyper-reality of God for ourselves, religion is the response to the God event, and this God event is a missionary event, where we are embraced by the Father, who sends the Son, and where the Spirit is left to engage us in the ongoing embrace. God is a missionary God – missio-dei and as such if we truly desire God our mission is not so much as to find him as to reveal him to others but by embracing God in others so we reveal more of the hyper real God to ourselves and help others see the trancenent God that is imminent.

Get it??????????????????

The Accidental Spy hd

Season of the Witch video

Ricky Gervais Live 3: Fame dvdrip

We Are Marshall psp

2 thoughts on “Mission Spirituality

  1. I get it. Or at least I’d like to say I do. Eckhart has written some brilliant stuff. Does anyone know where you can read his thoughts? It’s an interesting discussion point that “the God we know isn’t God”

  2. I thought it interesting that you think spirituality and mission together. I am in the process of a mission project for my ordination course, where I plan to use prayer as a mission tool.

    I find Meister Eckhart intriguing if a not a little scary.

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