Following the ecclesio-dei

Pompey pinoneer has a good post here

Flight of Fury move

Mortuary release

that connects with my thinking around mission and church and that led me to comment on his thoughts about how mission and worship is confussed. My approach is to see mission as an expression of true worship the giving of ourselves to others and God, aligning our lives with the missio dei, (and to paraphrase and add a bit to Bosch) that theology and church has no other reason to exist than to accompany the missio dei who is also the ecclesio dei as biblically church must hold the tension of being missional and the attitude of worship otherwise it does not remain true to the biblical narrative.

One thought on “Following the ecclesio-dei

  1. Mission sounds like just about the ultimate form of worship to me.
    It does my head in when people say that they have arrived at a church service for a time of worship – perhaps they just don’t worship (no mission?) during the rest of the week?

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