The Nailed down God

I have been thinking recently about Jesus being nailed down on the cross. How it is the opposite of movement, fluidity, and much of current theology and certainly opposite to our fast moving culture. Christ was static in his response, both by keeping silent when put on trial and ultimately static when nailed down on the cross. Our current Christology draws much from the elements of incarnation, of Jesus walking and talking with people. I wonder how the nailed down Jesus affects our Christology. In a world that is busier than ever, at Easter when people are moving from place to place to visit relatives in the four day weekend or off on holiday, when the DIY stores host sales and garden centres entice us to get the garden sorted with primroses. What is our mission response? Should it be to simply say you cannot serve God and yourself and sit down? To explain, things, a decorated home, friends are fleeting and sit down? Tomorrow, Good Friday should we simply sit at the foot of the cross and focus on the Nailed Down Christ?

Insomnia movie

One thought on “The Nailed down God

  1. Johnny Bravo said…

    have you read Kosuke Koyama a Japanese / Thai theologian? What he says in three mile an hour God is exactly what you are saying about Christ being nailed down. Koyama talks about how we want rush God, how we feel as workers in todays culture that God needs to hurry up, to get a move on and get going. In reality our God was the God who took 40 years through the Wilderness so that people were right before him, he is a God who was nailed down, static, fixed, frozen in time for all to see…
    9:33 AM
    brodie said…

    like what you say here.
    5:00 PM

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