Childhood misdemeanors

Thinking about slipping on banana skins the other day, got me wondering about all those other things we hear about third hand or see on a cartoon/TV. We turned the banana skins idea into a youth event and I am trying to resist the urge to turn all those things we hear about into a youthwork session, you have to admit though, the young people would never forget the day x got a saucepan stuck on their head, or y got his head stuck through the railings. A word to the wise don’t try any of these. From personal experience I have tried jumping off a roof with an umbrella and it kind of worked (patio umbrellas are best) but my mate who did with a normal one broke his arm. My mate also managed to get a tic tac stuck up his nose. (I caution against this version of chubby bunnies). Talking of chubby bunnies we tried it with cream eggs once, you don’t half dribble. I also managed to accidentally pull two of my mates (tic tac guy) teeth out with a comedy trip wire I had hidden in the barn but tied up too high so when he was running past and I pulled it, instead of reaching his ankle it caught his two front teeth. All these are ancient history, but even recently I managed to go head over heels when riding a shopping trolley. What have you tried, and has anyone ever taken someone to the hospital with a saucepan stuck on their head I would love to know?

Insomnia ipod

One thought on “Childhood misdemeanors

  1. David Jeanneret said…

    Whilst practicing that (perhaps stereotypically public school) pastime of whipping people with a twisted tea towel whilst allegedly drying up, I once invited a friend to place a stinger on a large saucepan that I wore on my head in that comedy head-stuck-in-saucepan manner.

    Never, ever try that anywhere.

    I think I was nearly deafened by the ringing of a perfect contact made by the slightly damp frayed end of the ultimate rats tail.

    6:24 PM

    Aaron Skinner said…

    when i was a kid, me and a friend laid nails on the ground outside his house and his sister walked on one and got it stuck in her foot, it went right through her trainer!! it seemed funny while we were planning it but once his mum came out we knew it was a bad idea!
    2:23 PM

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