Which way are you pulled?

We often talk about holding the tension in emerging church between Bible Tradition and Culture. Yet the critique is that tradition is the strongest (see being missional today) In conversations recently and reading around what many people are doing it would seem the dominant pull is towards tradition, and a lack of value on culture. I wondered if it was possible scale/measure your positioning in the triangle. Do you lean towards tradition, or bias culture?

4 thoughts on “Which way are you pulled?

  1. I wonder what it means to include the leading of the spirit and discernment of a community to this diagram and model.
    CAn or Should obiedience to tradition lead to betrayall of culture and or the bible. Would this be a negative of positive thing? If G-d may lead us to this through tradition could he can he use the bible to lead us to betray culture and or tradition and or could god use culture to lead us to betray the bible and or tradition.

    I imagine many would say this is not god that we know God is leading when the three are in balance (it seems that this is not all that common though)

    Maybe it would be better to look for the a majority rulling for dominanve so rather than the moninat pull being towards traditition we should seek to make it towards tradition and bible, or even tradition and culture. or to reveres this and follow the pull of culture and the bible against tradition (this would seemed to the reformationary pull, or even the emergent pull)

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  3. Hi Matybigfro I am unsure where the majority you mean comes from, in an emerging community is it ok for this to be the majority or should those from the tradition and that majority discern the changes. My concern is pulls and how easy it is to return to what we know.

  4. Sorry by majority I mean following the pull of Culture and Scriptures over and above Tradition

    It seems to me that often times Tradition trumphs both Culture and Scriptures and pulls us to betray one or both of these (maybe an example of this could be the resitance to grow indigenious and organic leadership for missional communities rather than extrating leaders to train them or flying leadership in)

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