New Site

In case you haven’t noticed Sunday Papers is now on a website of its own although it is still a blog and looks the same. The aim is to be able to set up some different categories for links and have space to upload articles, ideas and presentations. At the moment I have four possible categories I am developing and hope to have on line in the next couple of weeks:

Links: Other blogs and sites

Articles– mainly stuff we have written but also with some links to other good related articles around

Youth Work Tacks – Ideas and resources for working with young people mainly when trying to do youth work INFRONT of church rather than OUT FROM church

Talks and Presentations: Self explanatory

Gallery – Images that may be of use to provoke discussion, and general photos.

If there is anything you would like to see let me know, I would value feedback. Please also bear with me as I work out how to upload the stuff and get to grips with the technology.