Gentile Church

Well (in response to the question I posed at the end of my last post) I reckon we have plenty of Jewish traditions (adapted):
1) The worship leader (High Priest).
2) We come into the House of the Lord.
3) We come into God’s presence.
4) We come into the Holy Place.
5) Worship narrowed down to singing instead of it being our whole lives.
6) Ecstasy – no, not that ecstacy!
7) Lots of singing.
So I’m ready for a remodel! 🙂

Now, what is a sensible attitude to existing tradition?

I think that if we are going to learn something from the OT it is more
likely to be in the realms of justice and community incorporating economics,
social care, empowerment, etc.

Snowed in by God

Quick post as I am off to Denmark to do some stuff with youthworkers over there. Hoping I get there as there is heavy snow at the moment. It seems that where ever I travel I run the risk of getting snowed in at the moment. Last week I woke up to several inches of snow in Rugby where I was speaking. Maybe it’s connected but I have been thinking a lot about believing in God, and whether it is actually possible to believe in God and does that imply if you don’t believe He ceases to be, if so our current concept of believing in God is a bit of a non starter (feel free to comment or slate me on this). As God is fact in my view, maybe it is more about making space for Him in our lives (an old pre-Christian idea). This space may not be about the Christian ideas of inviting Him in, but more about the recognition of Him in all and through all. When we don’t don’t make the space does He snow us in so we can’t miss Him?Serenity film