Where now?

I am not one for new years resolutions, I find them unhelpful and would rather set my mind on something at whatever point in time and stick to it. Looking ahead however is a consuming issue for me. I spend a lot of time planning, culture watching, time framing etc. Recently I have been wondering more and more how relevant this is. Practically it makes sense when I have such a busy schedule, but I am not sure how good it is for the soul. If I don’t plan holiday it can get squezzed out, but equally there may be value for the hearer or who ever you are meeting to say (with some advance warning) I need some family space, or whatever. Not overly practical I know but perhaps more honestly human, as I don’t know six months in advance when I need a holiday. Making the most of every moment, and valuing the time we are in, has always been important but wonder how much the essence of these moments get pushed out as I plan every moment ahead.