Bridging the community

One of the students led a session exploring community. We looked at the notions of building community and various aspects, how do we make connections with people, the role of small or casual interactions in building community and encouraging others to be community minded. She gave us £2 to go into Bristol for 30 minutes to connect with someone. I was part of a group of three and we decided to pay for peoples toll charge at the suspension bridge. Two of us stood at one end and as a car approached we explained we would pay their crossing fee today 50p and asked if they would “think about this random act of kindness as they cross the bridge and if it encourages you to be more community minded in future to give the guy at the other end of the thumbs up and if not a thumbs down”. Well we got four out of four and some great responses two asked if we were from a church but the best was “You’ve made my day and put a smile on my face”. All that it took was 50p and little bit of human inter action.

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