Advent 2 – From dualism to dual heritage

For Jesus to straddle divinity and humanity he became a 1st century ‘half-caste’. Today the term ‘half- caste’ ,is not politically correct and yet in some countries marrying out of your caste remains, risky, unusual and culturally frowned upon. Yet God impregnates a human and mixes the divine with humanity and Jesus become a third culture child of mixed race and it was a risky and crazy thing to do..

Today we refer to people from two races/ cultures as ‘Dual heritage. Jesus was born from heaven and from earth and in this birth, the old doctrine of dualism from the old Testament is replaced by the duality of the New testament. In this joining up, the mixing up of races, this baby Jesus deletes divisions, creates a new default template of being, and smashes dualism with this act of mixing divinity and humanity.

This act is done not with words but with his body – the word becomes flesh and is full of grace and truth. The concept has become embodied.

On this advent let us get into our body and move…

From a God up there to a God down here
From a God out there to a God in here
From thinking to feeling
From dualism to duality
From division to mixing
From disintegration to integration
From separateness to togetherness
From disconnectedness to connectedness
Being neither dependant, nor independent but interdependence
Being neither your God, nor my God but our God
Mixing you, me and we
Being Alone and together
Being fully human