Surveillence Society

Was sent this great article via the Federation of Detached Youth Workers about the rise of surveillance in society, and rang home having just spotted another CCTV camera (on a pelican crossing!) whilst out on detached. Last paragraph below

Stuart Waiton
Article The Politics of Surveillance:
Big Brother on Prozac
Living in the shadow of the silent majorities the empty elite are constantly anxious, staring out onto a world they sense is beyond their control: A world that has been filled with ever more laws, regulations and forms of surveillance that have become a replacement for morals and politics. This increasingly technical, managerial and authoritarian elite are not Orwellian but are anxious authoritarians. This is a weaker and wetter political elite, not stamping down on us with their boots, but shaking in them.

Only a few generations ago Britain had nearly 3.5 million adult members of political parties, today there are around 4 million CCTV cameras in the streets of Britain: CCTV cameras manned by Big Brother on Prozac.