
I have signed up to the Henri Nouwen daily quote email. Today I got this, I was taken by the phrase that our vocation is hidden in where we are and who we are. As a youth worker and employed in/by a faith based agency it is too easy to slip into our vocation being what we do.

Often we want to be somewhere other than where we are, or even to be someone other than who we are. We tend to compare ourselves constantly with others and wonder why we are not as rich, as intelligent, as simple, as generous, or as saintly as they are. Such comparisons make us feel guilty, ashamed, or jealous. It is very important to realize that our vocation is hidden in where we are and who we are. We are unique human beings, each with a call to realize in life what nobody else can, and to realize it in the concrete context of the here and now.

We will never find our vocations by trying to figure out whether we are better or worse than others. We are good enough to do what we are called to do. Be yourself!

House Crazy

Lacking posts due to house hassles. We eventually have had an offer on our house but the one we were buying the people pulled out, after we had had surveys which will end up costing us a few hundred quid. Most others in the area are over priced and have been on the market ages. The others we have seen (17 in total) have either been out of our price range or when we have put in offers been people who are not that much in need of moving or just testing the market so hold out for the asking price. Even when we came within 5K of the asking price on houses that been on the market for over a year. This seems mad when on average the houses that are selling are going for 8% or 16K under the asking price (including those in the area we are looking when people genuinely need to move), just not the ones we want!

Videos for Sale

Well it is worth a try. As we are moving we are having a big sort out and getting rid of loats (thats not a typo but a cross between lots and loads) of stuff. We have several videos for sale (many ideal for youthwork discussions) All at the knock down price of £2.50 each plus 50p per video if we need to post them. Ist come first served.

Catch me if you can
Being John Malkovich
Mission Impossible 2
The pianist
Donnie Darko
Little Voice
Ferris Buellers day off
The Office (complete first series)
Fight Club
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Eight Mile
(Childrens videos)
Barbie Rapunzel
The Little Mermaid
Rudolph the Movie
Children’s TV favourites
The Railway children
The Clangers, complete series 2
The road to Eldarado
Lion King 2
Veggie Tales the kindly Viking

Post modernity and critical thinking

I recognise this may not be a very critically thought out statement or question but at the moment I am struggling to identify the difference between post modern approaches to issues and critical thinking. PM talks about questioning many basic assumptions, truth, our ability to assume or project answers to issues due to cultural formation issues, reader response and interpretation etc, but surely there is little difference between this and good critical thinking. I was always very skeptical of people asking if post modernity was real, but I am wondering if we more accurate in thinking in the shift as critical or (hyper or an extension of) modernity as wouldn’t critical thinking have it roots and be shaped by the science movement like modernity?


I am off on Holiday tomorrow or supposed to be. Jo is not too well, which is a real downer as we have been looking forward to going away. Could do with a small miracle tonight so we can all go and selfishly I could really do without the hassle. It was due to be the first time in years that I had actually gone away for a WHOLE week and was really looking to it. Good time with the FYT team last week and got several loose ends for CYM tied up BUT I had really built up going away in my head as I have been so busy. I even decided against taking any theology books to read. Now just want it to come together and get away with Jo being better. HELP

What do you think?

Welcome to the revamped Sunday Papers. There is still some tidying up to do and pics to add but we have moved to wordpress. Thanks to Mark for all his work. The main reason for changing was to be able to categorise the posts. These have been set up to reflect the strapline and are LIFE, MISSION, YOUTHWORK with some sub divisions and a few other categories. We can also manage any comments better, and hopefully increase dialogue. We will still allow anonoymus comments but registered people can get pinged if they get a response to the comment or a related post. Although I am not sure how all this works yet.