Missional advent 6 -Presence

Gods presence became hyper-real it invaded time and space, it broke the boundaries of dualism as Christ was entrusted to humanity. Gods presence is no less real in the world today the kingdom has come and pervades all we are and do, our mission is part of this kingdom we are not bringing God to a dark, but God has already been birthed in our community.

Missional advent 5 – Risk

Advent reminds us of the risk God took by entrusting Jesus to a people group, a place and a time. A time of upheaveal, of mixed group of people some of whom believed and some of whom didn’t but trusting that by Christ they might touch God. Our mission is also one of similar risks and that as WE go to be with people that we may learn, even through the upheaveal in our souls that going can cause, we can learn and the possibility to experience what it is to touch God.

Advent 1 – Death to dualism !!

Previously on this site I have suggested that the doctrine of dualism is the core original sin. So what is dualism , a ‘googled’ definition calls it ‘the doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often taken to be mind and matter (or mind and body, or good and evil.’
Dualism is one of the main reasons that prevents people from connecting to God, themselves, creation and each other. The doctrine of dualism seeks to separate and to divide, to split creating a them/us, in/out/ right/wrong, win/lose, secular/sacred way of thinking and behaving. Dualism creates polarities, opposition and ultimately competition with someone always having to be the loser. Psychologically this doctrine hinders growth and produces internal splits which cause lasting emotional damage. Physically, many people are out of touch and out of tune with their bodies and with matter and often with what ‘really matters.’

So here goes my simplistic armchair theology…

1st testament – God the parent –
I think much of the language and the stories written in the Old Testament are dualistic in nature… there is a God who you can’t see, you can’t touch, a vengeful God, a patriarchal distant fearful figure who lives on a mountain. There were clear ways of approaching God, clear structures of worshipping him and clear rules to know if you were in or out. In essence this was a story of a strict parent dealing with the naughty child. God needed to set clear boundaries and regulations; he took full responsibility for their behaviour.

2nd testament – human becomes the parent
In the 2nd chapter / testament things are different, the whole thing is turned upside down and all rules are off. Instead of God being the parent, humans become the parent. God had sex (somehow) with a human women and we are introduced to a God who is born within a women, who becomes part of the human race, a god who is small and who can be held, touched, fed and who needs us. God has become one of us, all divisions are broken, all disconnections off… no secular/ sacred divide, God is here, with us. God has now given us the responsibility look after ourselves, others and creation and even God. With this responsibility there is no easy in/out or black/white divide, with God dwelling and residing is us we must learn to cooperate, and allow God to find us in our body, in our mind, in our feelings, in our world, in our humanity.

What excites me about advent and the story of the incarnation is that Jesus contradicts this dualistic doctrine with his birth and with his body. The advent of a new way of being has begun !!

Missional Advent 3 – Consistency

A few years ago the children decided to hang stars in advent as a constant reminder of the direction we were heading in. Missional consistency isn’t just about regular contact or maintaining the relationship, it is about a consistency of movement and reflection. Stillness in the being and Stillness in the doing, so we can consistently try to keep step with what our father in heaven is doing, being open to see the Christ child whereever they may be in the stable or in the skatepark.